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Domain Registration


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Domain Registration


 Saturday, July 27, 2024   View Cart: 0 Items  

Beginner Linux Hosting
Account Features:
  • 20 GB of Disk Space

  • Free One Domain Registration (.com, .net, .org, .info and .biz only)

  • Unlimited FTP Accounts, 24 / 7 FTP Access

  • 2 Addon Domains

  • 20 Domain aliases

  • Unlimited sub-domains (sub.your_domain.com)

  • No Setup Fee

  • 20 GB data transfer per month

  • CPANEL with Fantastico Control Panel

  • Web Based Statistics

  • Protected Directories

  • Custom Error Pages

  • Free SiteBuilder

  • 1 Platinum Image Hosting account (worth $18.00 per year)

  • Access to raw log files

  • Dreamweaver access

  • Weekly Backup

Scripting Features:
  • Redhat Linux with Apache

  • PHP4 (.PHP)

  • CGI / Perl 5 (.CGI .PL)

  • MS FrontPage 2002 Extensions

  • Server Side Includes (SSI)

  • JavaScripts


  • Custom MIME type

  • Image Magik

  • GD Graphics Library

  • cURL Library

  • Apache handler

  • HotLink protection

  • Crontab

  • IP deny manager

  • Index manager

  • 50+ Preinstalled Script

  • Multimedia Support: Flash, Shockwave, Real Media http streaming and Windows Media http streaming

Database Access:
  • Unlimited ODBC Connections, MS Access

  • 20 MySQL databases

  • PHPMyAdmin tool
E-mail Features:
  • Unlimited POP3 Accounts
  • Unlimited Auto Responders
  • Unlimited Forwarders
  • Unlimited Mailing List
  • Access to web based e-mail
  • Mail Catch All

  • Anti SPAM filetering

  • Anti virus filtering

  • 30-day money back

  • 99.9% network uptime

  • 99.5% server uptime

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